Friday, January 6, 2012

We wish you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

Okay that was the lamest title I have ever had. BUT IDGAF :D

We are so close to the end of this god forsaken deployment I can taste it's sweaty ballsack! Nice visual, eh? I can officially say he comes back next month and it feels amazing knowing that I am so damn close to seeing him again. plans are all laid out for our visitors. My mom will be here the before to help me prepare the house, get it spin-n-span and whatnot. His Aunt will be here two days after my mom gets here, and then bing bam boom homecoming is two days later. Holy shit balls. So right now I'm just making sure I can get heres and theres settled in so that everything is as good as possible when Mark gets here. Today I plan on going to Lowes and/or Petsmart but judging from the mood I'm in right now I do not see that happening. Thank you, Aunt Flo.

Auto is a a douche bag, btw. He broke his damn run again. So I've been having to go outside with him to make sure he doesn't escape. Okay yeah I am definitely going to Petsmart today. Probably here soon after I stop writing this. Writing out that I have to go outside with him reminded me how much I am not going to enjoy it the next time I have to, so I WILL go to damn petsmart to get him a damn line. Uhg my dog is satin incarnate. Maybe I'll even muster up the courage to drive to the next parking lot and see what Lowes has to offer me :) I really want to paint the living room.. like so bad. and I have a gift card o.O fml the choices of life are so damn hard! Okay fuck it, I'm going to paint my living room.

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