My Blog | Behind Every Great Man...

The Greater.

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Hi! My name is Ashley. I am 24 years old, and live in Okinawa, Japan! I have been married to my husband since 2010 and we have a gorgeous little girl together. This is my life. This is who I am, what I'm about, and exactly how boring it is.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

You're Mine To Love

9 Week Ultrasound
Houston we have A baby! I'm dumb, and forgot to ask what the heart beat was, but if I had to guess it was right around 150 bpm, but thats a guess from when the sound was fresh in my mind. Honestly, I still have the approx. speed in my head and the ultrasound was a week ago :P

Unfortunately, Mark couldn't make it. He had to go to a post & relief ceremony and carry a flag around (apparently his shop felt he was the best fit for this... even when he had this appointment on the board for THREE weeks, switched to days so he could come, and even more so than the guy who had done it before and knew exactly what he was doing... but that's another story.) So yeah, he was not happy that he missed it, but again, like I said, another story.

My official EDD is November 11th (2012). The day after my mom & stepdad's anniversary. It's so strange because SO many significant dates in our relationship have lined up with the same or other significant dates with their relationship.

So I'm now 10 weeks and my "ahh mahh gaaah" has settled down a lot lately. Yaay for baby taking care of it's own hormones and leaving mine alonee!! Now I'm not a sick bitchy lazy ass. I'm just a lazy ass... Okay I'm still bitchy too.