Friday, November 30, 2012

Madison Brianna Justice

Madison Brianna Justice was born at 0839 November 13th, 2012 at Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital. She was 21 inches long, and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz. She had 5 little fingers, 5 little toes, and one perfect little face.

My baby girl is here. She is 2 weeks and 3 days old right now. In her swing after a feeding, giving out hiccups and fighting off sleep like a champ. I guess that seems like a good time to update my blog. That is, if she'll let me. She's currently cooing like she might have other plans, but we'll try.

I am a mom. My husband is a father. What the hell is going on!? How did we make her? How did we do that!? It's so strange to look at her and think that 10 months ago I didn't even know she was in there. Granted, she was barely in there, but she was there. The size of the tip of a pen. She was MAYBE a week into gestation, but she was there. 9 months ago she was nothing but a little pink line on a stick, and now she is a little pink and zebra print bundle with little pink zebra socks to match (well, if they would stay on her feet that is.) She's already grown nearly an inch since birth. She was down to 7 lbs 3 oz when we left the hospital (she was 3 days old when we left) and now she's already up to 8 lbs 7 oz.

Uht oh. Here comes the cry for for food. Well that was short lived. I guess I'll add more later lol

1 comment:

Katie said...

awww so cute! congrats!!!