You've guessed it... she's sleeping. I've cleaned and have free time! It's a Christmas Miracle!
So... if you're a mother you might remember when baby is a newborn and just sleeps all day long. You have to wake them for feedings otherwise they'll sleep themselves into starvation. At least that's how Madison was. Well she's out of that stage. I bet my husband remembers me saying "I wish she'd be awake for longer during the day, I'm bored!" Yeah I take that back. Sleep. Sleep longer. Sleep more.
How the hell do you bitches do this!? No wonder breast feeding moms lose so much weight... we're to busy feeding them to feed ourselves! I have had a greek yogurt and a little carton of cottage cheese with pineapple. I have been awake for eight hours and am running off of yogurt and cottage cheese with a sliver of fruit. What. Thee. Heck.
I legit have to choose between cleaning and eating most days.... that is if I don't have to use the bathroom. Then I have to add that to my options. Lord forbid I have to go number two... (yes, it takes that long to go number two most days... another joy of postpartum recovery.) Then even if the house looks like a tornado with paw prints went through it I'm screwed. Bathroom and (if I'm lucky enough to have any) a bag of chips is all I get. But we're going healthier, so I pretty much get nothing but yogurt & cottage cheese w/ fruit all day until Mark is home to watch her while I cook dinner. Cooking has become my me time. Not even showering is me time... why? Because I'm lucky TO shower! I am so glad that it is winter and I don't have to be active... otherwise people probably wouldn't be able to stand within twenty yards of me without thinking I'm smuggling a dead body.
But, down to the good stuff. My sweet little baby butt. No, not my actual butt. Ain't nothing baby about that thing yet-- can't work out yet! Here's hoping I get the okay tomorrow, though!! Madison is 5 weeks and 2 days old. Precious baby girl x3 She's starting to smile, too! Her favorite thing to smile at is when I say mama or dada/daddy :D You can tell she's trying to learn, too. She'll stare so intently as I'm talking to her, trying to figure out how the heck I'm doing that haha. She's starting to use little baby words, too. Not too many, just like two. Mostly when she's bored and I'm trying to have "me" time (yeah right, ME time haha okay!). She'll yell out a quick little "eh" or "na" sound here and there when she wants to be addressed :P
She also loves sitting in her little baby activity chair. 4 months and up my butt. I put that thing together last night and she sat in there happy as a clam for a good twenty minutes. She put on the BIGGEST smile I've seen, too, after I put her in. We would have stayed longer but I decided to get her out to do other things. This morning I put her in it again and she sat there for ten minutes, I went to take her out so she could eat and she yelled at me lol She didn't cry-- and it wasn't for food even though it was time for a feeding. She literally yelled lol I put her back in and boom. Happy baby once more. Apparently she's taking that 4 months and up they put on the box as a person insult/challenge. She's pretty good at holding her head up for the most part, but the back of the chair is so high for her right now it holds it forward enough so when she lets her head go back a little it stops it. Of course I'm right there if she loses control of her head, but other than that I really don't have to touch her. She's so biggggg! I'm really glad she likes that chair-- she's not a huge fan of tummy time so she doesn't do it nearly as often as she should. Whoops.
Oh gosh.. and she has a poop face. I think she got it from Mark. When she goes you can definately tell. It's rather loud xD Daddy is proud of the noises that come out of that bottom. I'm so glad I decided to breast feed... because I'm afraid of what that thing would smell like if it were made from forumla lol. I mean, it don't smell like cherry blossums, but it's a "sweet" kind of smell rather than a "OMFG WHAT DIED" kind of smell that I'm used to from when I worked with kids lol. Mark always makes this face when she goes in his arms... and she mimics it perfectly lol It kills me when she does it. She doesn't do it EVERY time, but she still does it pretty often. That being said... I cannot wait for the whole not pooping everyday thing to happen that BF babies have once they're a bit older. It should be starting here soon and I cannot wait. At first the little stinker would go EVERYTIME she was fed. That's every two hours during the day... no bueno.
Oh! And she's sleeping through the night already! I decided to stop waking her once she hit her birth weight (at her two week appointment). The pediatrician, of course, was all "oh no, keep waking her every two-four hours!" Uhm... yeah she doesn't want to eat every two-four hours at night. She wants to sleep. Much like her mother. So she usually gets her last feeding at 9, then we go to bed. She'll wake me up about 5 hours later, I'll lose my mind trying to get her back to sleep for about an hour and half, and then she'll wake me again about 4 hours later. Then 3 hours later... then I decide okay I guess we can wake up since it's 10 o'clock lol Momma is lazy and thankfully so is her baby :D But I fixed the curtains so she usually wants to be up for the day around 8am now... I guess I can deal with the normal 8 hours of sleep :P (she'll stay awake 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours after every feeding like a booger.) I'm unbelievably lucky to get what I DO get. I realize most babies, this young, will wake you up every 2-3 hours all through the night. Madison for the win!
Born November 13th, 2012.
She was 8 pounds, 1 oz & 21 inches long.
So, as some of you know, I made this thread (clicky) on Monday night. Most of that entire day I was having painless contractions starting at ten minutes apart and gradually getting closer and closer. I took a hot bath that night, and they were still running at 5 minutes apart. Since they weren't painful at all, I decided to get some rest and see how I felt when I woke up.
About 2:30am DH came to bed (Halo just came out a week before ), got into bed, and pretty much right as he got comfortable I felt like something was going to happen. Almost like I was about to have a lot of discharge or a big ass chunk of my plug was coming out... which I had already lost so.... I got on all fours to get out of bed easier, said "I think something is about to happen...", stood up, and then said "Yep. Something is happening." I felt a pop, then a gush. Luckily I made it to the shower quickly so by the time it soaked through I was in there. Then it kept coming. Holy cow I didn't realize that I would be "peeing" myself for the next 17 or so hours. I thought you water broke and boom that was that o.O
So water broke, woke up DH (well, said hey "DH" lol since he had JUST closed his eyes), woke up momma, and we got our stuff together to leave. Got halfway to the hospital, and realized I forgot my purse at the house... yeah you need that lol So went back, headed to the hospital again and DH decided it would be the perfect time to fill up the tank. Whatever, contractions still aren't painful, just barely starting to feel anything with them now. Got gas, and THEN went to Naval.
They checked me, and I was admitted about 4-4:30am. I was still 1cm >:/
Once I was all IV'd and good to go they were pretty limited on my cervical checks, since my water had already broken, to reduce the change of introducing anything harmful and causing infection. That's when time started to fly by. They checked me around 7, and I was STILL only 1cm. By then my water had been broken for about 4 1/2 hours, so we went ahead and did a Foley Bulb. Half an hour later, plop, the foley bulb had fell out (which it's supposed to do, btw. They put weight at the end of it in order to manually dilated you. It's supposed to take you to 4 or 5 cm) So I was checked again, and yaaay I was at 4 1/2-5cm. They decided to check me again a few hours later... still a friggin 5 >:/ so we discussed pitocin. Since I wanted to go natural I was at a very low dose for a few hours. Checked again... STILL A FRIGGIN 5 >:( At that point the contractions had started to hurt but I was pretty content still with baring through them. As time went on it got worse and worse. I didn't have any more checks while they were upping the pitocin. After a few hours of low dose pitocin they checked and I still wasn't progressing. At all. Still a 5. So started slowly upping my pitocin level every half an hour. I couldn't take the pain anymore. About 4pm the pain was just too much, so I asked for a pain management IV. It took like fifteen minutes for my nurse to get the pharmacy to place the order, and it was going to take about 15-30 minutes for it to get to me. A few minutes after she came back and told me the order was in and it would be about 15-30 minutes the pain had pretty much double. I could. Not. Take. it. She was handling my contractions and the pitocin perfectly, like nothing had changed from when I first got there, but I was shaking pretty bad from the pain. I worried that I was putting too much stress on her since I had started hyperventalating with the contractions and my legs and hands had started going numb from it. Until that point, I was perfectly content taking the pain. I could not take 15-30 more minutes of that. I asked how long it would take for the epidural to be put in and she said she could get somebody to me within ten minutes because there was only one other mother in labor at the time and she already had hers. I couldn't do it. I asked for the epidural and dreaded every minute it took to get to me. All like five minutes of it lol. So... little ole "I'm TOTALLY doing it natural, no doubt" me said fuhkit and got the Epidural. For those of you who plan to go natural, do NOT be me. Inform yourself. Read about it. If you swear up and down you 100% aren't getting it, read up on it anyway. I was 100% confident in that I would not get the epidural. If I hadn't been in labor for so long, if I had actually progressed, I feel like I could have... but I was in pain for just way too long for me to take. I got the Epidural and was able to take a nap. Around 7 o'clock they did a shift change. By 7:15pm I had my new nurse, and a LOT of pressure. I was checked, and I was fully dilated, and she was pretty low but my nurse thought I would be pushing for awhile if I started now, so she helped me elevate myself a little to help drop her more before I started pushing. My new nurse was with me for all of fifteen minutes? before I told her, Nowp, I need to start pushin'. She wanted me to wait until the pressure was consistent, even without contractions, but they were too strong during the contractions for me to stop, so I decided to risk pushing for longer and get the ball rolling. I started pushing around 7:45pm. They thought for sure, before I started pushing, that I would be pushing for at least a couple hours. By the third push every contraction I was REALLY out of breath, but I was making a lot of progress with every push. I was able to watch with the mirror once she started to crown, which really helped me to focus. Hooolly hair. Everywhere. (but not on me, I commented on how well a job I did shaving and gave myself a pat on the back between contractions lol) Between contractions we would talk and all that, it was really a great experience. I wasn't able to count how many times I had to push, and I forgot to ask somebody else. Whoops. A little less than an hour of pushing-- at 8:39pm she was here. Apparently my Ritz Carlton of a vagina that Madison didn't want to come out of was fully stocked with an awesome security staff for those troublesome guests who don't want to leave :D
I tore on the inside, I think I heard second degree? in three different spots. I've had a total of oh IDK 6 hours of sleep since she was born and honestly, while year I'm a little tired, I'm pretty content getting three hours of sleep a night lol As far as after delivery, Camp Lejeune actually has pretty good food lol Their scrambles eggs look a bit sketchy, but I'm not much for eggs anymore anyway so noo biggy :P I had this awesome chicken for lunch one day... couldn't cut it with the plastic knife, so I had to use my teeth to just bite it, but it was still really good lol And then I had Veal Parm for dinner after that. AH MAH GAHD it was soooo goooddd lol
Breastfeeding is going pretty good, I think. She lost 5% of her birth weight, so that's good, she's getting enough. It just hurts. Her bottom jaw goes in quiet a bit compared to where her top lip is so she's having trouble keeping at good latch... hurts like a mofo for me, but ultimately if she's getting what she needs I can bare the pain until we work through figuring out getting her a good latch. She always tries to sleep during feeding. Even if she is awake for awhile beforehand the second she's on the boob, boom, sleep. I have to constantly wake her >:/ She doesn't really cry, and when she does it's only for like... sixty seconds or less yaaaaay. She sleeps. A lot. The pediatrician said she didn't seem jaundiced at all, but the nurse said she thinks she is so idk I think she's a little yellow, but nothing crazy IMO. She hasn't had her "marathon" feeding yet. When she eats it usually ten minutes a side, or sometimes she'll get froggy and go 15-20 on one and then fall too deep asleep for me to go to the other side.
I'm getting in my upper body work out lol My lateral muscles (sides) and my triceps (granny flap lol) are sooo sore from me lifting myself up out of chairs and the bed. and my butt is sooo heavy after sitting for awhile. The doctors were fairly surprised at how fast I was up and walking around, though. The first time they came in the guys was visibly shocked that I was up and about lol My butt hurts too much if I just sit or lay there, so I gotta get up! lol My feet are swollen like a mofo, I have no ankles, and my calfs are pretty swollen, too. I didn't think my hands were swollen, but I just tried to put my rings back and and no dice. Couldn't go over the middle knuckle lol
So yeah... I think that's the whole story... I keep getting distracted (not by her, she's been sleeping this whole time lol As usual.) Now lets hope this booger wakes up for me and eats >_>